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Webmester: Szecsa

Design: Szecsa

Téma: Kovács Ákos és zenekara

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Indulás: 2005.04.07.

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Utolsó frissítés: 2013.12.22.

Copyright  2012 by Szecsa

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A Hűség dalai angolul

ákos : Everyone Dancing

Someone delivered a message so humble
It's hard to believe it made our world tumble
It said 'The times they are a-changing
Out with the old and the aging
However sad, dear God is dead
The fear of the devil is yesterday´s fad!'

Lights sweep across the room
All hearts go boom boom boom
This evil little tune
Has everyone dancing

There is no stopping now
Mindblowing to see just how
The world is spinning 'round
With everyone dancing

We got sold on our weakness
Without knowing we were the business
Now all the damage is done
Dignity completely gone
Sold our souls 'cos we needed a fix
Now we're sailing across the river Styx

Lights sweep across the room
All hearts go boom boom boom
This evil little tune
Has everyone dancing

There is no stopping now
Mindblowing to see just how
The world is spinning !round
With everyone dancing

ákos : Damned

I packed my bags this morning
Without a word of warning
The cold of winter in my heart

As I walk away from you
The hardest thing I'll ever do
A world of memories falls apart

Forever and a day
I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away

I know it was not easy
I know you tried to please me
I know you´re asking yourself : why ?

And maybe the problem's in me
I have no right to be happy
Always have to say goodbye

Forever and a day
I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I´m damned if I stay here
I´m damned if I run away

And now that my life is turning
Bridges burning ! Forgive me!
And one day we´ll all be older
Four-leaf clover
But now it's over !

I prayed for the answer
I dreamed of the light
A beautiful solution to make things right
But I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away
And If you ever tried to see what
I showed you or hear what I say
I never would left you asleep where you lay
But I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away

I'm damned if I stay here
I'm damned if I run away...

ákos : Vertigo

Not my choice to be here
I simply heard the call
Giving you a chance
For some sick romance
To take me in free fall

I tried in vain
To kill the pain
The spasm in the vein
Driving me insame

Watch me go
Down with the sickness
That's none of your business
High and low
Fighting the demon
What a nightmare to dream on

There's nothing I could do now
I can get no cure
My only remedy's
To face the enemy
Your powers to allure

Walking down your street
That's no mean feat
This life that you lead
What a life of deceit

Watch me go
Down with the sickness
That's none of your business
High and low
Fighting the demon
What a nightmare to dream on

Down with the sickness
That's none of your business

Fighting the demon
Of you
In me

ákos : What The Hell

Didn't seem much
To get all worked up about
Something I said
Made us scream and shout

We've been here before
Wasn't such a big deal then
You forgave me
Thought you'd forgive again

But this time around
It seems You've made a stnd
I'm putting my foot down
On shifting sand

It's a situation
I'm not used to
Watching your front door
Is what I've been reduced to

Fame and fortune
Doesn't come that easily
You're the one who said
Enjoy it while You're free

Breathe in the air
The lights, the smoke, the band
The thrill of the audience
Eating from my outstretched hand

But lately I have to say
The juices haven't flowed
The needle's on empty
The car has left the road

The source of my aura
Was the faith I had in you
Now I just wonder
How on earth I continue

The people' number one
But what the hell for?
A nation's favourite son
But what the hell for?
I exercise my power
But what the hell for?
I've reached the final hour
But what the hell for?

Three whole weeks
Guess I have to face the fact
Hope has gone
Of her ever coming back

There's just two immortal lines
I'm thinking of
You love the thing you kill
And you kill the thing you love

Striving, driving
Sweeping all before me
So people I think that matter
Just can't ignore me

Never let go
No compromises
Now who can deny
Life's full of surprises

The people's number one
But what the hell for?
A nation's favourite son
But what the hell for?
I exercise my power
But what the hell for?
I've reached the final hour
But what the hell for?

ákos : Rockstar

Like a strong-out junkie
On a desperation ride
You run with the pack now
Losing dignity and pride

You should stay sharp
'Cos the night is young
In the Parasites' Paradise
You gotta deal with the dealers
And sugar-coat your lies

Feathet and tar
Whiskey in your jar
A convertible car
A pretty face with a scar
How well you've got it made
You think you'll never fade

You're just a whining rockstar
Just a moaning rockstar
You're just a hot-shot rockstar
You're just a fucked-up rockstar
A rockstar

Big Daddy will help you out
Should you be in need
But could you ever satisfy
You ever growing greed?

You liked this lot but Now it's not
So much fun anymore
Up to the hilt with pain and guilt
As your wealth makes you a whore

After all is
Said and done
Now wasn't it fun?
Take the money and run
How well you've got it made
You thought you'd never fade

You're just a whining rockstar
Just a moaning rockstar
You're just a hot-shot rockstar
You're just a fucked-up rockstar
A rockstar

Where is the money?
Where is the motherfucking money?!?

I put my money where my mouth is
If my life is in crisis I've got my disciples
I also thank my enemies
My brothers with the faithless kiss
The boys from Venus
The guys with no penis
Alternative press with the teeny-weenies
The way you try to kill my vibe
Just helps me keep the flame alive

Cynics and critics you'd better hit it
You've been all wrong
You'de better admit it
You black-magic mongers
Spiiting from corners
You know-nothing say-alls
On somebody's payroll
When destiny calls
The big curtain falls
It's hard not to see
You ain't got no balls

Feather and tar
Whiskey in your jar
A convertible car
A pretty face with a scar
How well you've got it made
You thought you'd never fade

You're just a whining rockstar
Just a moaning rockstar
You're just a hot-shot rockstar
You're just a fucked-up rockstar
A rockstar

ákos : The End Of Innocence

We came out in our thousand
On that revolutionary day
Each person a hero
As the system crumbled away

We made a promise
To be truthful and honest
No more would those liars carry the day

We proclaimed a new era of liberty
And an end to the years of tyranny
We shouted 'Down with corrupt ideology!
Let us reclaim our own identity!'

Nothing could stop us
Nothing at all
The power of love would conquer all
(The power of love would conquer all)

Who among us then would have thought it
With all our hearts and minds we'd have fought it
But in the end we can't deny that we bought it
The end of innocence comes to us all

The big bad enemy defeated
We strove to get along
But no longer was it so simple
Telling right from wrong

Broken friendships
Made us cruelly aware
Freedom is a serious affair
(Freedom is a serious affair)

A page of history was turning
Flames of hope within us burning
But in the end the liberty we were yearning
Was far too much for all our spirits to bear

Who among us then would have thought it
With all our hearts and minds we'd have fought it
But in the end we can't deny that we bought it
The end of innocence comes to us all

ákos : Destiny

It isn´t always apparent
Which way the river flows
In its quiescent magnificence
There... stretching out
The surface seems to sleep
But the whirlpools pull you deep

You think you know where you're going
As you sail the sea of life
But waters of destiny carry you
There... stretching out
In a long unbroken line
To a fate entwined with mine



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Rajongók száma
Indulás: 2005-04-07
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