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Webmester: Szecsa

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Téma: Kovács Ákos és zenekara

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Indulás: 2005.04.07.

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So Much Larger


So much Larger


ákos : So Much Larger (Than Life)

My name is Akosh.
Let me entertain you!

You´re awakened by the morning sun
It breaks through the clouds
Through the windows
It chases you out of bed and you can sense
That outside a chilly cold wind blows
Daybreak´s here washed by tireless waves
You´re staring into the light with naked eyes
You´re dazzled by the sorrow
Will you be here tomorrow
It´s no use asking the crimson skies.

Because it´s
So much
Than Life
It´s death.

There´s mercy in the melody of the ancient chant
By which the still of the church is broken
But ruthless is the morning
It makes you start to wonder
How many of your words are left unspoken
And suddenly what do you see
You catch sight of your own shadow on the wall
For the morning sun should mean life to everyone
It´s death what your shadow stands for.

Because it´s
So much
Than Life
It´s death.

ákos : Hold On

Did a chance for a changeling pass you by tonight?
Ask this of yourself lest you should lay
Tomorrow´s blame at the feet of yesterday
So hold on tight I´m going down this way.
Hold on tight, hold on tight.

Did you totter all in the stutter of a gun
On the brink of a stranger lady´s tenderness?
In a smashing of a glass did you slip from her class
In a stabbing of a knife you stepped back and cried.
Hold on tight, hold on tight.

And earlier in another kitchen play
Did you take it sitting down and look away?
Didn´t look anywhere without a certain face
So hold on tight I´m gonna set your pace.
Hold on tight.

Did a chance for a changeling pass you by tonight?
Ask this of yourself lest you should lay
Tomorrow´s blame at the feet of yesterday
So hold on tight I´m going down this way.

Did you totter all in the stutter of a gun
On the brink of a stranger lady´s tenderless?
In a smashing of a glass did you slip from her class
In a stabbing of a knife you stepped back and cried.
Hold on tight, hold on tight.

Hold on tight, hold on tight.

ákos : Forgivable

Hello hello
I´m back again
I´m back with a vengeance
I have returned to tame the flame
You call it a mission
I´d rather call it my life
Just beware if you sharpen me
´Cos I´m a six-blade knife.

I´d trade my thoughts for sentences
But only if you cared
I´d bare my soul for you to see
I may leave town
But I´ll never leave you
A pilgrim forever in transit
Thus always having a ball
I guess all my sins are

Your delicate skin
Shines in the candle-light
I want you to be my slave
Be my bride tonight
No tears no good-byes
No hints no warning
No bags to be packed in the hallway
I´ll leave in the morning.

I´d trade my thoughts for sentences
But only if you cared
I´d bare my soul for you to see
I may leave town
But I´ll never leave you
A pilgrim forever in transit
Thus always having a ball
I guess all my sins are

I wanna drink from your water
´Cos my river´s run dry
Wanna hear the words that you have to say
I wanna hear all the lies
´Cos I want pain
And I want love
I want everything
That I´m composed of.

I´d trade my thoughts for sentences
But only if you cared
I´d bare my soul for you to see
I may leave town
But I´ll never leave you
A pilgrim forever in transit
Thus always having a ball
I guess all my sins are

I wanna drink from your water
´Cos my river´s run dry
Wanna hear the words that you have to say
I wanna hear all the lies
´Cos I want pain
And I want love
I want everything

ákos : Girl In The Café

Girl in the café
You wore all the jewels
Only Nature coult think of
Girl in the café
You really pushed me to the brink of pain
To see such beauty
A pair of eyes just like a flash of light
I lost you
But I defrost you
>From my memory´s freezer
Every night

No you weren´t the love of my life
But I´m still missing you
No you weren´t the love of my life
And I´ve still got no clue about you.

Girl in the café
All those tears are drying
I´m not denying
Girl in the café
The magic´s gone
And there´s no more crying
For you and your ivory skin
With Sister Midnight gasping within
All the icons
The zodiac signs
Have failed to help you
To get me to sin.

No you weren´t the love of my life
But I´m still missing you
No you weren´t the love of my life
And I´ve still got no clue about you.

Girl in the café
Inside of me a bomb exploded
My heart was loaded
Girl in the café
You conquered me
And I want you to know it
A war was waging in me
But last awhile,
Centuries maybe
Or else
I might forget
Your eyes that were
Glowing so sad.

No you weren´t the love of my life
But I´m still missing you
No you weren´t the love of my life
And I´ve still got no clue all about you.t I´m composed of.

ákos : Midnight

I´ll be your midnight
I´ll hold your hand tight
I´ll be stretching in the skin across your back
I´ll be the flame, the teardrop, the sweetness
I´ll be the desire that draws you to the bed
I´ll be your midnight
I´ll be your eyesight
I´ll be stretching in the skin across your back
I´ll be the flame, the teardrop, the sweetness
I´ll be the desire that draws you to the bed.

I will be with you
Forever from now on
Burn myself in you
Whatever you do.

Kövess Minket!

Ákos Hírlevél
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Rajongók száma
Indulás: 2005-04-07
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