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Indulás: 2005.04.07.

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FireDance 1996

ákos : Firedance

Silent, harmless
Ages of darkness
Then a sudden blinding certainty
A soul translating
Into flesh
Charged with cosmic energy
A spark started fire
And you burn
Wanting the best, always wanting more
Explore the Heavens
And roam the Earth
Is there more of what what you´ve come here for?

Dance with the fire
And then I´ll believe
That you´ve got the power
To be able to give
It flows in your veins
Of your inheritance
Move to the rhythm
Do the firedance

The message is lost
In the jungle of words
Clinging to seome desperate hope
Live in your body
But believe in your soul
Learn to adapt, learn to cope
Get back to the water
Back to the light
Wait for devine deliverance
If you´re bitter or proud
Just sing it out loud
Live your life: do the firedance.

Dance with the fire
And then I´ll believe
That you´ve got the power
To be able to give

It flows in your veins
Of your inderitance
Move to the ryhtm
Do the firedance

My name is Fire
I bet you could tell
Burn with me
Or burn in hell
On you I will
Cast my spell.

Dance with the fire
And then I´ll believe
That you´ve got the power
To be able to give
It flows in your veins
Of your inheritance
Move to the rhythm
Do the firedance.

ákos : Parody Of Shame

My belief is shaken, I can´t concertrate
We´ve reached the moment of no return
You´re bearing your soul like a head on a plate
I clearly still have a lot to learn.

Do I accept what you have to say
You´re sorry for all you have put me through
Nothing can change how you feel for me
God only knows what a man like me should do.

I told myself it would have to end
Your refusal to choose is eroding me
You say he´s no more than a passing friend
So why does it hurt when you go from me?

Must I deal with your humility?
As you gaze at me with your head bowed
You´re a parody
A parody of shame.
Must I fave your infidelity?
There is more to life than betrayal
You´re a parody
A parody of shame.

There is no use denying I´m wavering
I thought my resolve had more strength than this
The moment of truth I´d been savouring
Has all but dissolved in your silken kiss.

Must I deal with your humility?
As you gaze at me with your head bowed
You´re a parody
A parody of shame.
Must I fave your infidelity?
There is more to life than betrayal
You´re a parody
A parody of shame.

ákos : Hold On (re-arranged remix)

Tarts ki!

Did a chance for a changeling pass you by tonight?
Ask this of yourself lest you should lay
Tomorrow´s blame at the feet of yesterday
So hold on tight I´m going down this way.
Hold on tight, hold on tight.

Did you totter all in the stutter of a gun
On the brink of a stranger lady´s tenderless?
In a smashing of a glass did you slip from her class
In a stabbing of a knife you stepped back and cried.
Hold on tight, hold on tight.

Hagyd, hogy a kétség és bizonyosság
Árasszon el most
Kérdezz magadtól,
Ha senki nem felel.

Hisz a holnap lábánál
Mát a tegnap ott hever
Mereven néz a semmibe
Kihűlt szemekkel,
Képzeld el!
Képzeld el!

Hogyha senki nem felel
Képzeld el!
Hogyha nincsen már remény
Képzeld el!
Hogyha senki nem felel
Képzeld el!
Hogyha nincsen már remény
Képzeld el!

Akkor is tarts ki
Képzeld el!
Akkor is tarts ki
Képzeld el!
Akkor is tarts ki
Képzeld el!
Akkor is tarts ki
Képzeld el!

Képzeld el!

ákos : Do We Bow?

Suffer from greed and look for more
Try to get higher, try to get by
Live your life without prayer
Easy like the catcher in the rye

Or set out on this journey with me
Tired of all the lies
Milk and honey overdose
In the world of artificial smiles.

Do we bow, boy?

You say you´re happy then you cry at night
The river of anguish will flow
Rise up and shake off the pain
Let off steam, let the strength show

Unmask the torturer
Unmask him, be brave
Unmask the conqueror
The one that turns your life into your grave

Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow or do we fight for it?
Do we bow, boy?
Do we bow or do we cut them dead?


ákos : King Of Rain

I am tired
Of all them colours
Give me soothing
Black and white
I´m so jaded
By all them noises
It´s high time silence arrived
Silent rain
Come wash away the days
Separate all wrong from right.

That´s holy
That´s full of pain
Tears will heal you
Tears will teach you
Bow down before
The King of Rain.


Kövess Minket!

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Rajongók száma
Indulás: 2005-04-07
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